Our immersive exercises give your people the experience of real emergencies, which gives them confidence and enables them to change behavioural response patterns. Whether we are exercising operational responders, tactical or strategic crisis managers, our exercises target specific competencies and move the team’s capability upwards on the maturity scale.
We frequently run multi-agency, multi-tier exercises for high-reliability organisations, such as COMAH-regulated and UK CNI sites. We also run many smaller exercises that range from emergency responder assessments, through to strategic-level tabletops and simulations. We deliver in-person and remotely, often using our proprietary technology to enhance realism.
We recommend a regular programme to keep skills fresh and provide a good level of competency assurance. Exercising once a year enhances skills in the short term, but does not address skills fade in the longer term. Take a look at our range of emergency and crisis exercises below.
Emergency and crisis management exercises
Our emergency and crisis exercises are focused on operational, tactical and strategic-level emergency and crisis issues. Our range of exercises includes:
– Table top exercises at operational, tactical and strategic levels
– Live play exercises with coaching and mentoring
– Validation and demonstration exercises
– Simulation exercises
– Crisis simulations
– COMAH multi-agency exercises
Exercise scenarios
Our exercise scenarios are aligned to relevant organisational contexts and capabilities and address a range of issues to challenge and test response capability. We use a range of techniques including simulated news and social media, film clips and role players. There is no better way to see how emergency plans are implemented in practice. Contact us to talk about how we can help you.